It was an ordinary day, I opened my terminal and executed a regular system update when a notification caught my eye. It was about the public key of Element not being available. I was puzzled because Element is a reputable provider of secure messaging services. How could this be? Together with my loyal AI companion, ChatGPT, I decided to get to the bottom of the mystery.

We discovered that the key from the Element repository on my computer had been deleted. I had actually done this previously, but the repeated error message made me pause. Why had the key suddenly disappeared? And why hadn’t Element provided a new one?

The answers to these questions were not easy to find. We searched the internet and scoured the official Element website, but found no new information about the public key. Finally, however, we found the key on a less well-known page of the Element website and breathed a sigh of relief.

But the relief was short-lived. The downloaded key was outdated, and the attempt to import it failed. This was more than just a small problem – it meant that Element had not properly secured its repository, which posed a security risk.

Determined to resolve the issue, we wrote to the Element support team and explained the situation. The reply came faster than expected: „We’re working on it.“ This was reassuring, but it was clear that the situation required more attention.

In summary, our journey to solving the key issue with Element was an educational experience. It underlines the importance of security aspects in the digital world and the role we as users play in maintaining this security. I hope that our story encourages others to take their own digital security seriously and to always remain vigilant. It may be strenuous, but at the end of the day, it’s the key to a safer digital world. And I still haven’t resolved the key issue. I’ll wait for Thunderbird, maybe they’ll come up with a nice development in an add-on or other possibilities.

Who knows. Is this roughly what you had in mind?


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